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How much will this window tint ticket cost me?

10-03-2012, 10:16 AM
Just got a ticket for window tint yesterday, and tested at 29%, i do not want to take it off today, so what will this ticket cost me? i live in upstate New York.

im thinking it will be $80?

thanx guys

10-03-2012, 10:25 AM
Just got a ticket for window tint yesterday, and tested at 29%, i do not want to take it off today, so what will this ticket cost me? i live in upstate New York.

im thinking it will be $80?

thanx guys

Last time my buddy got a tint ticket in Chicago it was $30.

Why not replace it with a lighter shade? Cost about $150 to get installed. If your tickets are $80 each and you get pulled over twice, it's already over the cost of the new tint.

10-03-2012, 10:42 AM
I have had the car for 9 months and had no issues, i will take my chances, but if i get a ticket again for it then i will remove it, its a fix it ticket so it should not cost much or anything at all if i remove it. In New york state 70% is legal, that is garbage, i will bump it up to 35% if i get hassled about it again. at what they are now does not look that dark at all, you can see in the car just fine, what crap lol

10-03-2012, 08:10 PM
Wow long time no see Talon, 70% is complete shit. Thats not even worth putting tint on a car. I would call and see what they will charge you if you dont fix it. Every state is different but I have heard tint tickets here are pretty pricey.

10-26-2012, 09:17 AM
well i got the fine back in the mail, it is a $25 fine with a $55 court fee lmao. $80 total

and yes indeed SilvrEclipse its been a long time :)

02-23-2017, 02:53 PM
Getting a prescription for window tints is harder then people say if you truly don't have sensitive eyes. I have a white Chrysler 300 s with black interior with 35%s on the front two windows and 20%s all in the back. If you're traveling anywhere in a good neighborhood your chances of getting caught are a lot higher. I drive around Brighton Michigan a lot which is probably the strictest when it comes to window tints. I've been pulled over twice so far, first time I was pulled over in the summer mid day and got a fix it ticket. Second time I was driving and got pulled over was around midnight and got a $208 dollar ticket. I payed the ticket with no points going on my license and the ability to keep the tints on if I wanted. Talked to some cops at the station and they told me it was a flat rate if you kept getting pulled over, so $208 every time. No points can get put on either because it's not a moving violation. Deciding if I want to take the risk and keep them on cause summers around the corner and I like tints to much. Both times I got pulled over it was on grand river in Brighton Michigan. Less crime means less money and more time for the cops to be looking.

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