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2003.5 MazdaSpeed Protege only sparks 1 or 2 times

05-08-2012, 02:59 PM
Hi. I have a 2003.5 MazdaSpeed Protege that only sparks 1 or 2 times and will not start. I bought the car used with a blown head gasket. I replaced the gasket and am now having this issue. The guy I got it from bought it the way it was and never got around to having it fixed, so I am unsure of what problems it may have had before the blown gasket. Overall the car appears to be in perfect condition other than it will not start.

Here is what has been done:

- Replaced head gasket
- Replaced oil and filter
- Replaced camshaft position sensor(known good replacement)
- Replaced crankshaft position sensor(known good replacement)
- Replaced plugs
- Replaced wires
- Replaced ECU twice

Here is what has been tested/observed:

- All wiring is good as well as grounds.
- All fuses and relays are good.
- Fuel pump is running.
- Plugs only get one, sometimes two sparks.
- Injectors are running at first, but cut out after no more spark.
- Alarm works.
- Key is not chipped.

Info/observations from previous owner:

- When he first bought it, when you put the key into the "On" position,
the speedometer went nuts. So he replaced the cluster.
- Carpet was wet, discovered leak under dash on passenger side at
bottom of air-intake area.

I am at a loss and have no idea where to go with this next except to take it to the Mazda Dealership. Don't want to have to do that. :-(

Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


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