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1969 LeMans - Interior Issue

04-23-2012, 06:41 PM
Hi There,
I am in the middle of restoring a 69 LeMans Convertible. The car was originally Espresso Brown #61 with a Gold, Ivy Gold, Mustard Gold, Drk Gold Interior #252.

The car has a new color of Verdoro Green #73 and I am keeping the same color interior.

NOW, you may be asking why I have listed so many colors for the interior.....WELL, I cant seem to get a straight answer as to what color it is!!! THAT IS MY PROBLEM!

The 69 Color chip book lists the color as Drk Gold with a factory number of 252. That number translates to a PPG #23143. Now, that is a Laquer color and is no longer available. (At least thru ANYplace I have been to or talked to)

There is a Formula for the Mix which I have thru PPG, but there is no crossover to any other manufacturer and as most places do not use laquer any longer there are no available tints around to mix the color. I have looked on several Pontiac restoration sites to get the color but continue to be told a different name for this color with a different code, with each business I contact.

I need about a quart or a few cans of this color to re-dye several parts of the interior. As its a convertible, most, but not all are faded and I'd prefer not to have a Tri-Toned interior!

Can anyone help me out and point me in the right direction?? I am very frustrated at this point!!

Thanks in advance for at least giving it a try, BK

06-16-2013, 06:43 PM
Maybe if You could text a few pic's of Your interior they could match it?Usually Ames,Year One or Performance Years is pretty good about helping Us match up colors?There's a few Companies out there that claim to carry Pontiac Parts and many others...I'd stay with the 3 I mentioned because they have dealt with Pontiacs for many years!

I'm sure it's going to take more to match up an odd or rare color but it can be done!

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