Rally North America's "Rocky Mountain Rally"
02-15-2012, 02:41 PM
Rally North America’s “Rocky Mountain Rally” August 20-22, 2012
1000 miles along some of the most scenic roads in the country, surrounded by forty plus sports cars, muscle cars, and other unique rides, searching for secret check points at incredible places; this is the “Rocky Mountain Rally”.
Established in the winter of 2009, Rally North America is a non-for-profit organization, aimed at bringing automotive enthusiasts from all over the United States and Canada, together to do to one thing: rallying. While other large rallies require unjustifiably high costs to enter and participate in; Rally North America, or RNA, makes road rallies fun and affordable for everyone. Each rally organized by Rally North America, emphasizes one key idea: driving for a cause. There are several charities and non-profit organizations that give back to their causes. RNA believes that by combining the love for the automotive lifestyle and helping those in need, it is possible to do something “good” with the automotive hobby.
In our 2010 Route 66 Rally, ninety participants raised over $3,000 for the Stephanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research. Teams started in both Chicago, IL and Los Angeles, CA, and spent three days traveling down historic Route 66. Each day was filled with epic scenery and three checkpoints. Some 2,000 miles later, the east coast teams met the west coast teams in Amarillo, TX for a grand finale celebration and party. Awards were given out, sponsors thanked, and good times were had.
Last year’s rally was another 1000+ mile trek through the Appalachia’s. It was another great 3 day event with all proceeds going to the “Fallen Heroes Fund” charity. The scenery was great, and so was the friendly competition!
Rally North America is fortunate to benefit from the professional film work of TJ Fry and The MOB Theory, who continue to document these road rallies. There are also a vast amount of large-scale sponsors who help contribute to Rally North America’s road rallies including CJ Pony Parts, and CarDomain.com.
RNA is back at it again this August of 2012 with another exciting rally, open to all car enthusiasts. Get ready to drive through mountains and desert as we ramble on through the 2012 “Rocky Mountain Rally”! All makes and models of vehicles are welcome on this exclusive VIP scavenger-hunt event. We are capping entries to 40 cars/teams!
The Accelerated Cure Project has been chosen for this year’s Rally North America charity benefactor.
http://www.acceleratedcure.org/ (http://www.acceleratedcure.org/)
Estimated Costs:
Rally Registration (including a full decal kit): $175
Mandatory Donation to the Accelerated Cure Project: $25
Gas, Hotel, Food, and Miscellaneous Costs: Average $500-$800
Rally Event Dates:
Mandatory Drivers Meeting: August 19, 2012 in Colorado Springs, CO
Rally Starting Line: August 20, 2012 in Colorado Springs, CO
Rally Finish Line Celebration: August 22, 2012 in Las Vegas, NV
Sponsorship requests, contact information and how to sign up:
Visit our registration page http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/11 (http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/11).
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/284017_2029527176809_1202988316_32029218_3406386_n .jpg
1000 miles along some of the most scenic roads in the country, surrounded by forty plus sports cars, muscle cars, and other unique rides, searching for secret check points at incredible places; this is the “Rocky Mountain Rally”.
Established in the winter of 2009, Rally North America is a non-for-profit organization, aimed at bringing automotive enthusiasts from all over the United States and Canada, together to do to one thing: rallying. While other large rallies require unjustifiably high costs to enter and participate in; Rally North America, or RNA, makes road rallies fun and affordable for everyone. Each rally organized by Rally North America, emphasizes one key idea: driving for a cause. There are several charities and non-profit organizations that give back to their causes. RNA believes that by combining the love for the automotive lifestyle and helping those in need, it is possible to do something “good” with the automotive hobby.
In our 2010 Route 66 Rally, ninety participants raised over $3,000 for the Stephanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research. Teams started in both Chicago, IL and Los Angeles, CA, and spent three days traveling down historic Route 66. Each day was filled with epic scenery and three checkpoints. Some 2,000 miles later, the east coast teams met the west coast teams in Amarillo, TX for a grand finale celebration and party. Awards were given out, sponsors thanked, and good times were had.
Last year’s rally was another 1000+ mile trek through the Appalachia’s. It was another great 3 day event with all proceeds going to the “Fallen Heroes Fund” charity. The scenery was great, and so was the friendly competition!
Rally North America is fortunate to benefit from the professional film work of TJ Fry and The MOB Theory, who continue to document these road rallies. There are also a vast amount of large-scale sponsors who help contribute to Rally North America’s road rallies including CJ Pony Parts, and CarDomain.com.
RNA is back at it again this August of 2012 with another exciting rally, open to all car enthusiasts. Get ready to drive through mountains and desert as we ramble on through the 2012 “Rocky Mountain Rally”! All makes and models of vehicles are welcome on this exclusive VIP scavenger-hunt event. We are capping entries to 40 cars/teams!
The Accelerated Cure Project has been chosen for this year’s Rally North America charity benefactor.
http://www.acceleratedcure.org/ (http://www.acceleratedcure.org/)
Estimated Costs:
Rally Registration (including a full decal kit): $175
Mandatory Donation to the Accelerated Cure Project: $25
Gas, Hotel, Food, and Miscellaneous Costs: Average $500-$800
Rally Event Dates:
Mandatory Drivers Meeting: August 19, 2012 in Colorado Springs, CO
Rally Starting Line: August 20, 2012 in Colorado Springs, CO
Rally Finish Line Celebration: August 22, 2012 in Las Vegas, NV
Sponsorship requests, contact information and how to sign up:
Visit our registration page http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/11 (http://www.rallynorthamerica.com/node/11).
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/284017_2029527176809_1202988316_32029218_3406386_n .jpg
02-23-2012, 04:08 PM
We are still accepting teams! You can view the video of last year's rally here: http://vimeo.com/33361137 (http://vimeo.com/33361137)
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