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2007 GP will not start

11-06-2011, 06:56 PM
I have a 2007 stock GP (72000ish miles) 3.8L with a new battery and a newly (with 2 hours) replaced starter. My issue is that I can attempt to start the vehicle, but when the key goes to ON, the starter clicks and I momentarily lose all power in the car, resetting my clock and date as well as not starting. The battery voltage is 12.62 Volts, I replaced the starter today, I've tried jumping the car with another vehicle (then I got a rapid clicking noise from the starter which continued until I removed the key), manually turned the crankshaft (fearing a seized engine), and beat on the hood for a while. I have run out of ideas on what to try next, any help is appreciated.

11-06-2011, 07:50 PM
Try throwing another battery in. I had enough power to light up my fogs, and interior lights, but it would not start the car. Even tried a battery charger on boost and start setting and no go. Put another battery in and fired right up.

11-07-2011, 09:00 AM
Sounds like a bad battery cable or connection at the battery or ground.

11-07-2011, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the advice. I'll try throwing another battery in as soon as I get a chance, this one is only 5 months old. It's odd that it just stopped working after a 5 minute stop at a convenience store.

11-08-2011, 12:20 AM
I have a 2007 stock GP (72000ish miles) 3.8L with a new battery and a newly (with 2 hours) replaced starter. My issue is that I can attempt to start the vehicle, but when the key goes to ON, the starter clicks and I momentarily lose all power in the car, resetting my clock and date as well as not starting. The battery voltage is 12.62 Volts, I replaced the starter today, I've tried jumping the car with another vehicle (then I got a rapid clicking noise from the starter which continued until I removed the key), manually turned the crankshaft (fearing a seized engine), and beat on the hood for a while. I have run out of ideas on what to try next, any help is appreciated.

Is the starter getting enough volts? Did you check the ground? Even bad connections on the battery could be the problem.

11-11-2011, 10:38 AM
I had my battery just bite the dust. Did not even get a warning that the battery was going bad. Bought a new one and the car fired right up. I even put a battery charger on the car and it would show that the battery was fully charged. The headlights and fog light and the interior lights would come on at the proper brightness also. At autozone they also put it on a battery charger, which showed it was fully charged. But when they put the battery on the big resistor battery tester, it failed the test. At least it died in the summer time instead of the middle of winter.

11-11-2011, 11:24 AM
If we can be of any assistance (looking into warranty or recall information on your vehicle, assisting in working with a dealership towards resolving this concern), please private message us with your name, contact information, the last 8 digits of your VIN, and your involved dealership.

GM Customer Service

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