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air bag light< bad battery

09-26-2011, 08:00 PM
I have a 2005 verona, 50,000 miles.
The air bag light is on havent figured out what and why.
this is what happened.
i tried to start the car- the battery was dead- ) naturally i tried to crank it over a few times) i put a battery booster on it and it started but the p r d display on the dash was not working (was blank). i was out of town so kept driving till i got home. when i got home shut it off (and naturally tried to start again) jump started again this time the p r n d on dash was working. let car in garage overnite. in the morning (again tried to start wouldnt with out a jump. this time the air bag light was on and the p r n d display worked. drove to get new battery. after that car starts fine runs fine p r n d work but air bag light is still on. any one have an idea?

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