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87 Chrysler Fifth Avenue Vinyl Top

10-05-2010, 09:11 PM
Does anyone on here know where i could possibly find a new vinyl top for a 1987 Fifth Avenue. Tried taking the old one off but underneath wasn't what i expected.( what a mess). If anyone knows please let me know. Would like to have one before winter rolls around. Thanks All

10-05-2010, 11:28 PM
Removing vinyl tops is a pain. On some car lines where vinyl roofs are standard, like 80's Caddys and your Chrysler, the roof panels are not fully finished, as a cost-saving measure, since they will be covered up anyways. So, even if you remove all the padding and glue, the roof panels may have rough, unfinished seams.

Try going to a good auto trim and interior shop. They can install another vinyl roof quite easily.

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