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oil pump

09-25-2010, 07:05 AM
i need to take time and do the 120k maintenence on my car but i am having problem locating a oil pump i found 1 on ebay for 100 bucks and one 3sx for 270 i would obviously would perfer not to spend 270 at 3sx but dont want to deal with any issue i might run into dealing with inferior part (being as it is kinda hard to get to) i did also see a 120k maintence kit but i already have all the other parts

09-27-2010, 04:03 PM
i need to take time and do the 120k maintenence on my car but i am having problem locating a oil pump i found 1 on ebay for 100 bucks and one 3sx for 270 i would obviously would perfer not to spend 270 at 3sx but dont want to deal with any issue i might run into dealing with inferior part (being as it is kinda hard to get to) i did also see a 120k maintence kit but i already have all the other parts
I am close to Baltimore and my business partner is right by arundel mills if you ever need someone to do the work for you.

Only get the OEM oil pump, I would not risk getting one from ebay, They are like $195 plus $10 for the gasket, I don't know where you got $100 or $270?

The part number is MD190982 for a 4-bolt main car, 92.5 up, and MD175583 for a 2-bolt main car, 91-92.5


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