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Possible gem in my backyard...?

09-10-2010, 09:24 PM
So i have this 2 house set up next door to me, one of the houses are rented out only so we've had several temporary neighbors in the past 10 years. I remember seeing an elderly man that had an old 50s chevy fully restored, and for the life of me I cant remember when this 4 door catalina showed up in the back yard of the rented home. my assumption is that it was left there when he moved out years ago, tho I dont even know whose it is, I HATE looking over at it and not being able to save it from a further beating from father time.

My late night snooping with a flashlight a few weeks back confirmed that the body has NO major corrosion and only a dinged up front fender, and bent front bumper. interior is all original but in poor shape, and the dash still has all its peices. original motor must still be in there as well, couldnt see the milage.



I want to go knock on the door of the main house and ask whose it is and TRY to strike a deal so I can move it over and make this my future 2nd project. those are pics taken last winter btw.

11-29-2010, 10:52 PM
ive seen these cars in alot worse shape sell for at least 5000 so if you can get it for any less you got yourself a deal!!

Blue Bowtie
11-30-2010, 12:13 AM
Looks like a '62 or '63. The only down-side is that it's a 4-door sedan instead of a hardtop. It's still a rare bird. It might have a 389 (most likely), or a 421 (rare). Probably a Buick Hydramatic auto trans too.

The sheet metal can be straightened and cleaned up. The tough parts are the trim pieces and die cast corners of the body. If those are intact the rest is just time. Since it's been sitting on the ground it would be good to check the frame rails closely. This used the perimeter frame and it's a lot easier to repair than the old X frame.

If you have the space, time, and budget, it might be worth the effort.

11-30-2010, 04:26 PM
ya it def isnt a 60 but from the pics the body panels dont look that bad but like you said the frame might be shot from siting there the trim parts are deff pricey im so glad mine has all the trim panels lol

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