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Please help me.....oh please please pleas

jak skrill
07-03-2010, 08:51 PM
I got tranny fluid on the brick of my moms house that she just built.....it's her pride and joy.......shes been saving to buy a house since shes 25.....i'm not suppose to have anything like that or anything that is stainable that has to do with cars......i didn't search this cause i know i'm the only moron to spill tranny fluid on a brick of a new house........please help, please, please,,,,,i can't use anything that will take the color off the brick,,,,,she can't find out, but i got to get it now cause it's right on same part as the garage..just on the outside of the garage door.....so she will see it......it's not a lot......but enough to make it noticable......please please please please help me.......she'll kill me......thank u for any help......it's new brick.....so i got to be careful....don't want her to notice

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