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Old 12-10-2015, 06:18 AM   #1
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TESLA MOMENT #1051 (i'm estimating): DUI CHECK POINT

Out last night, coming back from the Frogtown Art Walk and there is a DUI checkpoint on Alvarado. Todd rolls in, no worries. The officer begins asking his questions:
Q: Have you ever been arrested for a DUI? A: "No"
Q: Have you had anything to drink tonight? A: "No" (true)
Q: That's quite a large GPS screen. A: "Yes it is. And look, you can zoom in."
Paige in the passenger seat adds: "You can even search the web!"
Cut to another officer walking over: "Is that a Tesla? Beautiful"
Meanwhile, the line of cars behind us is building, waiting for their DUI check, curious i am sure about what is happening with the people in the car in front of them.
Cut to more officers walking over, looking.
Q: "But there's a transmission, right?" A: "No. 100% Electric"
Paige in the passenger seat: "WE LOVE IT!"
Cut to more officers walking over..
Q: "What about the sunroof"
Cut to a demo
Meanwhile, cut to the right, several very unhappy people sitting on a bench in handcuffs.
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