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Old 11-22-2005, 09:12 AM   #12
Lactose the Intolerant
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Re: 2 questions for begginer

Originally Posted by Kurtdg19
One of the most important factors in riding a bike IMO is awareness and a level head. You will soon realize that people simply don't see bikes and thats how you have to ride. Realizing and knowing your limits is extremely important, but you have to train yourself to stick within those limits (kinda like mind over matter). Its those emergency situations where you gotta brake hard or swerve that will test a beginner in a way you don't want to be tested (trust me, I know). I know this sounds like preaching, but you can't ever be to safe. Bikes are a blast to ride and I wouldn't give it up for anything. Just remember to always respect the machine.
excellent advice here.

Assume everthing on four wheels is out to kill you. Ride accordingly. It's not fair that we have to think for them, but that's the price we pay for the thrill.

And if you ever loose at least some small bit of fear of riding, you are about to get hurt. Overconfidence and complacency are hands down the #1 killer of motorcyclists, not four wheelers.
You made three mistakes. First, you took the job. Second, you came light. A four man crew for me? F**king insulting. But the worst mistake you made...

...empty gun rack.
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