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Old 06-28-2001, 12:12 PM   #13
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Originally posted by Synchro
HEY NOW!!! those stickers and carpets are WAY F@#%ing cool man!!! don't talk about my carpets, i am very sensitive about them and you might break me. my X is out in the driveway right now....perched on a curb, posing for the envious neighbors. i think i am going to get SSRs, get an email like, talk smack all day on the AC forums and give out bad information to everyone cause i am a know it all. or is this position already taken???
Oww, I detect a note of hostility here! How would you like to be from Florida? Here the 2WD X's out number the 4WD X's at least 4 to 1.

But I also want everyone to keep one important thing in mind, how one modifies their X is directly determined by how they spend their time off-road.

Synchro, you guys are probably the best example. Here in Florida, we have no rocks. Therefore if you add skid plates, it traps mud and causes engine component overheating if not cleaned. A worst case scenario in Florida would be log crawling, not rock crawling. Also a low geared transfer case in Florida would only get you in trouble. Our two off-roading enviroments (mud and sand) both require hp and wheel speed/flotation. A 3.86/1 transfer case low range would not be suitable in those kinds of conditions.

Everybody has their own way of building trucks, some want them to suit a purpose and some just want looks. Although my truck looks stock at the moment, that will all end very shortly as I enter the next three phases of my build-up. But rock crawling for me is something I night do once a year at best, so my build-up has concentrated on those items for my most oft traveled off-road applications. I just wish we wouldn't bash those we disagree with. I may not agree with what somebody does to their truck, but it is their truck and they are welcome to do what they see fit. Whether it works or not is their problem, kno' whut I mean?
Gordon "The Warmonger" White
2000 Silver Ice X

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