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Old 03-12-2005, 02:22 PM   #2
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Re: ~question~

Originally Posted by nbr1nthuzyst
hopefully someone can take the time to *briefly* explain the major difference between turbos, and supercharges. i know thet differ from one another in the sence that one gives you immediate power, the other "turbo-lag", but im looking to know something that maybe i can explain to someone later on . any info will help!
well im not going to get into everything, but i will tel you the basics.

turbos and superchargers are forms of forced induction, which means, increase the airflow [pressure] that goes into the engine. the more air you can cram into the engine, the more power you can make [ theoretically].

turbochargers force their extra air into the engine using the exhaust system. The reason you get turbo lag, is because there is not enough air coming from the exhaust system at such a low RPM to spool the turbo. Of course, depending on the size of the turbo, will determine when it spools, and how much boost it can handle. Turning up the boost simply means cramming more air into your engine. since you are using exhaust gases, watching the air tempature is crucial, if the air isnt cool enough, you will not get the maximum power you can potentially put out or even worse, detonation. and thats why turbochargers usually run with an intercooler.

superchargers are belt driven, and use the engines power to max boost. They make linear boost. Meaning, at 2.5kRPM it may make 5lbs of boost, and at 5kRPM it may make 10lbs of boost. Since there is no waiting for exhaust gases, the supercharger spools as soon as you hit the gas. It uses the air intake to make its power. keeping the air cool is very important as well, you dont want to damage any of your transmission components with a supercharger, so an tranny-cooler is high recommended
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