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97 camry rear speaker removal

03-30-2003, 08:36 PM
I bought new 6" - 9" speakers for my Camry, and i have no idea how to remove the old speakers and put in the new ones without screwing stuff up. Also any ideas on cutting down rattling from my subwoofer?



Haunted Slay
12-14-2003, 09:39 PM
same here, does anybody know a link or can anybody give some sort of walk through on how to remove the factory speakers

12-15-2003, 07:37 AM
Well i havent done that on my camry yet, but have done on my previous ford, just pop off the wire grill over the top of the speakers and remove the screws, and put in the new speakers. Let me know if that works, it worked on my previous Acura and Ford.

I bought new 6" - 9" speakers for my Camry, and i have no idea how to remove the old speakers and put in the new ones without screwing stuff up. Also any ideas on cutting down rattling from my subwoofer?



12-15-2003, 12:36 PM
On my 92 CamryXLE (Should be same procedure for 97), I had to follow a much more complicated procedure. I will list the steps involved as best a possible:

* Remove lower seat cushion for back seat. It should just pop out.
* Unscrew hinges for the two upper portions of the back seat and remove those cushions as well.
* You should now have access to the screws holding the skinny cushions that are right next to each rear door. Remove those cushions.
* You will now be able to remove the "fuzzy" panels that cover up the bare metal of the car behind the rear seats and around the rear speakers.
* You should now have access to the screws that hold the speakers in.

Note that you definately do not want to pry the rear grills off to get at teh speakers if your car is similar to mine. I did this before learning the correct method for rear speaker removal and not only was I unable to remove the speaker after removing the grill, but am also now having an annoying rattle from the damaged grill while driving the car.

12-15-2003, 01:04 PM
Goto AutoZone.com they have instruction to remove the rear speaker. Good luck.

I bought new 6" - 9" speakers for my Camry, and i have no idea how to remove the old speakers and put in the new ones without screwing stuff up. Also any ideas on cutting down rattling from my subwoofer?



12-18-2003, 05:11 PM
Here is a link with pics, for removing rear speakers...you must remove the rear seat and deck panel cover to gain access to speakers...

Haunted Slay
12-19-2003, 06:02 PM
thanks for all your help i ended up spending 2 hours with my car on tuesday and i figured out how to do it. front was quite a pain in the ass too but managed that one. i did try carstereohelp.com but the pictures didn't all load for me =\

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