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Job Workforce and Age

01-20-2009, 11:53 AM
Story time...
One of my favorite teachers from my college was super smart. He was a freelance network engineer who has designed huge nationwide networks, had his own company, set up security cameras in numerous places such as cell phone shops and night clubs, taught 3 classes at my college and did countless other jobs also. I took both of his networking classes and admired this guy pretty strongly, as so did the rest of my department. Anytime we had any questions, programming, networking... whatever, he was the man to come to. He's about 50 years old, well established, nice house, married, kids, the works.

After I graduated, the school decided to drop the networking classes (idiots) and put him out of a job there. All the other companies he did work for decided to go with other companies, younger bigger companies charging less. Long story short, he's now completely unemployed.

The ironic thing is, the kids that he taught are the ones who are taking away his jobs. He was spreading the knowledge by teaching, and now he's unemployed because of it. He can't find a job neither because we're (the young people) are taking the jobs for less pay and we're 'fresher'. And the blame goes to the economy being shotty.

That gets me thinking... WTF! Here I am, 2 years out of college with a bachelors now and working for a decent size company making decent money and working on getting my own company off the ground. Whats to say that things like this aren't going to happen to me (or any of us for that matter). We all have our own knowledge, but younger people will come along and take our jobs. It's just mind-boggling that someone as experienced as my old teacher can't get a job.

I'm just rambling my :2cents:

01-20-2009, 03:18 PM
I'm right there with ya. That's why we need to come up with total fall out plans in the event of something like that happening to us when we're 50+... My goal is to make the right investments while I'm young so I can retire totally by the time I'm 50 and not even worry about employment. lol...

01-20-2009, 04:06 PM
I'm right there with ya. That's why we need to come up with total fall out plans in the event of something like that happening to us when we're 50+... My goal is to make the right investments while I'm young so I can retire totally by the time I'm 50 and not even worry about employment. lol...

Ya but a problem arises... what investments can we really make right now? Stocks are shit. Homes are cheap yes, but if you need a loan or money in whatever way to pay for it, you have the possibility of the bank going under. There's so much that comes into play with this these days.

My neighbor directly next door to my parents house was put in a home recently. They're cleaning the house and I was going to buy it when it goes up for sale. They know I want it and just want to get rid of it. Not to move in and live (can't live next door to my parents), but to fix up and rent out or sell. Now that the housing market is how it is, who would move into a 1950s Chicago-style house that's not top notch anymore? On my block there's 5 house for sale and been there for the past year or so. I'm not sure on the asking price, but I'm sure it's not that bad. This is in a neighborhood where houses are generally in the $200,000-$350,000 range (this is Chicago too so we're not even talking about a lot of property or anything) and some million dollar places are sprinkled in. How do I know that when I buy this place, that I can get people to move in? If no one does, there goes a HUGE amount of money. I forget where I was going with that... but I think you get the point.

My investment right now is myself. I will put money in myself to make sure that I succeed. With this web company, I'm working on getting a Tax ID and making it happen for real. It costs some money, like servers, some hardware and other stuff, but I think that those are the investments that WILL help me succeed now and hopefully in the future.

It's just hard to see my teacher, who thought the same thing when he was growing up and out of school to be stuck in the place he is now. How does that make me feel? Where can I turn? Marriage?

01-20-2009, 09:27 PM
I know what you mean man. See, I am just worrying about making ends meet now... I can worry about the future when its getting closer. I'm not going to make any real big investments until I am older either. Ya know, living on my own and beign 100% independant from my parents has been a real eye opener. I'm always looking at things that I dont need and try to cut them out, for example food. Yes I need food, but I dont need to eat out much and I dont need to eat expensive things. Anyone else have a $70/month food bill? :) But even things after school. I always told myself I'd get a new Beemer when I get out of college. The "new Beemer" has slowly turned into a 3-5 year old Beemer, and now I'm starting to think about just driving the Cavy into the ground. Even the cell phone, I wish I could just get rid of it, but its such a huge part of my life, especially my work life, so I pretty much have to take it. I kinda hope to bring that into my life when I get out of school and just not spend my money on frivolous shit.

01-21-2009, 10:22 AM
$40 every 2 weeks on groceries... and that's with goodies that I don't need.

It's been the same since I moved out. I buy paper plates and cups instead of using my dishes because it's easier to throw out then doing my dishes. But now (even though it's not THAT expensive and I buy wholesale) I'll reuse a plate or cup (all depending what was in/on it) a couple times.

My cell phone has always been $45 a month or so but recently got a data plan on it which I'm thinking of dropping again. As much as I like using google maps where ever, I don't NEED it. Plus I'm looking at changing my insurance company and save probably around $400 a year. Blah

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