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Common Faults

03-19-2008, 09:44 AM
Hey guys and gals, I'm seriously thinking of purchasing/owning a Mazda 6 in the future. Thing is I'm 18 (soon to be 19 in a few months) and have always wanted to fall into the modified car scene, however I've just come back from my first trip overseas and I'd much rather save my money towards another.

I'm not trying to say that the Mazda 6 isn't a good tuning/modifying base but i just feel that the car is too prestigious to be over modified (PERSONAL OPINION). If i was to modify it would only be subtle, lowered suspension(most likely coil-overs if available), full system exhaust, and a K & N panel filter.

The model i want to get is the 03-04 Luxury Sport model, I know NOTHING AT ALL about these cars and i just want to know what are common/major faults and also if running costs is high.

So guys with your help I'd like my decision on whether i should buy or not, be made easier.

Thanks in advance


p.s that is not my life story. Hahahahahaha

04-11-2008, 05:45 AM

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