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Dexcool Flush

06-21-2006, 06:15 AM
Got me a 2001 GA-SE 3.4 now took it in for an oil change and noticed that the coolant was gelling ( whats new), It needs to be flushed they wanted 80$ to flush it. Question is --it has the brown ugly Dexcool and There is a red 1 out there. Can they be changed after the flush. Is 80 a good price and do they flush it out with a machine that gets all the crap outta there. Any help, any answers will be appreciated. I hate this coolant !!!!

06-21-2006, 07:28 AM
$80 seems a little high for a coolant flush although if you don't want the hassle of having to dispose of coolant then it may be worth it. I would suggest that you replace the dex with Prestone extended life antifreeze. It works well and doesn't have the problems of dexcool.

06-21-2006, 11:46 PM
$80 seems a little high for a coolant flush although if you don't want the hassle of having to dispose of coolant then it may be worth it. I would suggest that you replace the dex with Prestone extended life antifreeze. It works well and doesn't have the problems of dexcool.

Is Prestone extended life antifreeze safe for our GM Grand AMs? Ive heard that it doesnt harm it... Ive used prestone myself back when I had a massive coolant leak (1 full refill every 3-4 days)

And would you say that using (Prestone extended life antifreeze) would be a better cooling solution over dexcool

06-22-2006, 08:11 AM
The Prestone EL is fully compatable with engines using dex. As for the comparison the Prestone is superior to dex in that it doesn't have the problems that dex has with clogging and that oily residue that it develops. A far better product.

06-23-2006, 04:15 PM
Thanks GTP Dad for all the info and from the others. I'll try thr prestone since I've never liked this Dex since I saw it. If I have any problems with the bleeding of the air -I'LL LET YA KNOW.--- Chris

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