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95-96 vs 97-99

09-10-2005, 11:19 AM
ok i got the wrong damn replacement bumper from some dick on ebay who doesnt know the diffrence. and i was wondering if i just bought some 97-99 headlights would i be able to get away with it? or do i have to get a 97-99 hood/fenders too?

09-10-2005, 02:50 PM
The fenders are the same just get the lights

They look better anyway

09-10-2005, 02:55 PM
yeah, im pretty sure everything but the lights and bumper are the same.

09-10-2005, 03:06 PM
yup just different head lights, they look better anyways thats what im gonna do the 1st of the year also

09-11-2005, 05:46 PM
tell that dick you want your money back. I'd keep the front end though. You can buy a pair of projector headlights off ebay from $60 to $100. It would really look better that way.

09-11-2005, 06:01 PM
Is Ebay a reliable source though? if this guy is a "dick", than my suggestion is not to buy it from him.

09-11-2005, 08:08 PM
It is fairly reliable. 95% of the users are legit, 2% are con artists, 2% are dicks, and the remaining 1% are dumbasses. I could only guess evoclipse bought his from a guy with 10 positive and 3 negitive feedback. Ive bought and sold many things off ebay and only had a problem with 1 of the 60 auctions Ive done. That one was just a company selling one too many lowering kits than they had in stock so I didnt lose anything out of it.

09-11-2005, 08:57 PM
tell that dick you want your money back. I'd keep the front end though. You can buy a pair of projector headlights off ebay from $60 to $100. It would really look better that way.

Don't know about that one man, biggest waste of $120 ever. Damn halos burnt out within the first month I had them and I still haven't found a suitable bulb to replace it. I'd put my stock housings back that had Sylvanias if the lenses weren't oxidated to hell :mad:

09-11-2005, 09:54 PM
just contact paypal, they will reinburse you your $.

09-11-2005, 10:03 PM
just contact paypal, they will reinburse you your $.

If you're lucky. They only take out money if the person has it in their account. My friend paid like $350 for a computer and was only able to get about $125 back, because the person had taken the rest out of their account already.

09-11-2005, 11:53 PM
well i realized that theyre was some plastic parts that hadnt been cut down like the OEM one and once i did it did manage to fit. aside from a small bump under one headlight(i think its cause my fender has a few bangs on it and it might have warped or something weird. anyways its on and ill have pics up...it almost looks like a dsm again(from the front) lol but im looking at the new headlights regardless so i can get all the money out of this thing i can get. the projectors i found on ebay are all 140+shipping and crap

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