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95 lumina fuel problem

08-30-2005, 10:23 AM
Well i just bought a 95 lumina, it looks and runs like a new car, or it ran like a new car. well it seems to be haveing a fuel problem now, itll run real smoothe and then itll start jerking and trying to stall. Mostly when you are turning and then start giveing it gas through the turn, some times itll flat out stall other times itll cough its way through and smoothe out... Its not the transmission jerking either.... Have any of you had this problem and if so what was the problem... im thinking either a really old fuel filter or the fuel pump is going......damn cars

08-30-2005, 10:54 PM
change the fuel filter, and then do a fuel pressure test, it should be within a certain spec, and it shoukd retain that pressure, I think its about 40psi Look it up on autozone, it should tell ya. If the pressure is there and bleeds off fast, then its more than likely bad fuel pressure regulator, if the pressure isnt within spec, then its most likely the pump. If its in spec, and the pressure stays, then I would try maybe an injector balence test to check the injectors out. Dont know if you have all these tools, but it could be cheaper than buying a new pump. If you need more info, just ask us. Good luck.

08-31-2005, 11:52 AM
ive got tons of tools, use to work in an autobody garage... any way thats around the lines ( and order ) of what i planed to check, im willing to bet that it is the filter at this point, i put a fuel system cleaner through and its running much much better but still chugs alittle on me, im thinking the cleaner got enough gunk out of the fuel filter to alow a little more flow... so as for now im gunna replace the filter... will let you know.

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