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'99 4.6 Eng problems

01-16-2005, 08:14 PM
Hi I'm new here but I didn't see this problem anywhere else. Along with lots of little electrical glitches and leaks that seem so common now, I now have a power problem as well. The car starts and idles fine, and accelerates without problem. But when I try to drive up a hill in OD, the eng feels like it starts to miss between 2100-2200 rpm. If I let the car slow a little, it will run fine until it gets back up to 2100-2200, then it will start to sputter again. If I press the gas enough to get it to downshift, the problem goes away. Also, this only occurs when a load is put on the engine. On level road or going down a hill within that throttle range this doesn't happen. Any ideas? Thanks.

01-19-2005, 07:31 PM
sounds like a coil/plug causing a miss. probably have to scope it with a wds or other scan tool with a power balance option.

01-19-2005, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the help. Not familiar with that equip, is that something I can have checked out @ an auto parts place?

01-20-2005, 04:52 PM
Possibly, but usually if the miss hasn't set a code yet, it needs to go to a shop to get scoped. I could tell you number one and four are bad, but at a hundred bucks a coil, i'd hate to see you guessing. The parts store is worth a try, though, it may have a continuous code but not seen the fault enough to turn the light on.

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