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Used 4K Cars Good or Not

escort lx
05-13-2010, 09:44 PM
Well I want to buy a car for my girlfriend has to be automatic. So here are some of here choice's. 1996 ford escort lx hatchback 2d with 103,075 miles for $3,995, 2001 mercury sable gs sedan 4d for $3,990, 1997 saturn SL2 sedan 4d with 82,963 miles for $3,990, 1994 buick regal custom 4d 88,584 miles for $3,495, 1992 chevy lumina 4d 124,638 miles for $2,995. What would be the best choice?:confused:

05-14-2010, 07:59 AM
I'd consider the 97 Saturn. It's got the lowest mileage and you could probably talk them down a bit.

You didn't say how many miles on the Sable, but that wouldn't be a bad choice either.

Older vehicles with over 100K on the clock will need a good bit of maintenance usually; and since this is her 1st vehicle....

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